Collagen is the protein structure found in our connective tissue. Elastin is the highly elastic part of tissue matrix that allows tissue to stretch and regain its original shape. Skin that is deficient in proper protein can become less elastic and less tone.
How do we boost our skins collagen and elastin for healthy, toned and sexy skin?
When collagen and elastin break down or doesn’t have the necessary nutrients to form, then we start to see accelerated issues in our skin. When we’re young these elastic like protein fibers easily stretch and then bounce back. As we age the elastic fibers don’t bounce back as easily and we begin to notice saggy skin and even cellulite from the underlying fascia losing its strength and support. Many women are now using natural and chemical free topical botanicals and taking supplemental collagen and vitamin D to improve skin elasticity, overall health and even hair beauty.
Using key dietary supplements and foods can help with beautifying our skin. Skin aging happens when our hormones tank, it’s unavoidable, unless we help ourselves through simple supplementation and healthy diet. Vitamin D taken with collagen powder helps maintain skin tone. As we age, we begin to see wrinkles, crepey skin, hyperpigmentation and lax saggy skin. Hormone reduction is the biggest culprit. As hormones decline many signs of aging creep in. We can help reduce or slow down this aging process by keeping our hormones healthy incorporating an optimal diet and exercise as well as including a collagen supplement in conjunction with vitamin D3 with K2. I've seen a noticeable difference in my own health in these last few years that I've been diligent with these particular supplementations.
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Georjia (Jia) Motta
I am a fitness, wellness and beauty professional since 1984 as a Licensed Cosmetologist, ACE Certified Medical Exercise Specialist & Personal Trainer, Registered Yoga Teacher, Pilates Instructor and Reiki Therapist.